Thursday, October 30, 2008

Squidoo, Myspace, Craigslist, and Backpage updates

As you all may know, I've been using free methods to present my network marketing products to the world, or at least the online world. Using Squidoo as the primary base for my main web page to all the information about the company, I used Craigslist, Backpage, and Myspace to bring customers to my main landing page @

As far as I'm concerned, I'm proud of myself for not spending myself into a hole doing any of this. It's all for free. COOL! As of today, my squidoo page is ranked #336 in the health section, #5899 overall.

That's insanely well considering I put up the page less than a couple weeks ago, and spent about 3 days making the page. Considering there are about 500,000 pages on, I'm doing very well for myself. I even got a comment from a fellow rep on how well my page was. COOL!

So far, this where most of my clicks have been coming from:

Myspace bulletin - 18 clicks.
Myspace profile - 13 searches - 5
craigslist - 3
my blog (thanx guys!) - 2
backpage - 1
others - 6

So what does this mean if you're in network marketing and are trying to get people to see your business or products? Using the free methods that I've been doing, you can see a steady stream of clicks to your webpages, blogs, etc. where you present your business or products.

They like what they see, they buy. If not, put up better information, or reach to a wider audience using more methods. As with all this, I didn't hold one single presentation or tabletalk. That's just soo much easier for me now.

If you wanna know how to do all this, step by step, or if you need help in a certain aspect, just email me.

For more ways to market online for free, click here.

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