Friday, October 17, 2008

day job killer

So I'm lurking around on the net, updating myself on twitter, and i come across a link for Day Job Killer by Chris McNeeney. The sales letter was amazing, very reminiscent of what I read for magnetic sponsoring by Mike Dillard. Interesting stuff. Talks alot about internet marketing. Because I'm running a little low on funds right now, I took an extra minute to see what the rest of the marketing world says about it.

Half were affiliate links. boo.

A quarter were articles saying how it's a scam. Not exactly what I was looking for. I'm not too tolerant of the word scam anymore.

The last quarter, the cream of the crop, were from people actually implementing it. Some were mixed. Some said it worked for them. some said it didn't. but since its debut in october 2007, there hasn't been much word on the net about it, especially considering it's october 2008 now.


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