Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Way of Doing Things

A little while back, I was in a Network Marketing team that was doing the old-school way of prospecting for the company we were distributing for. At that time, I didn't know there was any other way of network marketing, so I did it for as long as I could.

It took ALOT of time in my life. From the moment I opened my eyes, to when I closed them, there would be nothing else that I would do. A couple months down the line, I was getting tired of prospecting my warm market, mainly because my warm market was drying up.

Friends were alienating me. My room and house was a mess. I was going into debt maintaining myself while I worked my business. There had to be an easier way, I thought.

A couple months into the business, I stumbled upon a way to run the business using mainly the internet. I knew this had to be the new wave of Network Marketing, but oddly enough, my NM team wasn't doing such things. I mean, basic things like adding friends on Myspace and Facebook, and pitching the company to them. It wasn't as effective as I liked, and my attempts at it weren't as promising.

I started to research how people were marketing and prospecting online. I was liking it, ALOT!

First off, I didn't need to worry about my limited warm market list. My hot market was dead. But the cold market, the millions of people online searching for a way out the rat race, was where I could find an unlimited amount of people to prospect.

That's when I found out about Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard, both heroes of the online network marketing movement, also known as attraction marketing.

Ann Sieg opened up my eyes to the truths of Network Marketing, mainly in her 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing.

If you want to see what I saw, then click here. But I WARN YOU. If you're still doing the old-school way of NM, then you're either gonna LOVE it, or HATE it. I leave that opinion up to you.

Mike Dillard showed me the way of online marketing, BIG TIME. His advice showed me another way of doing things, a way that made more sense to me.

I'm not saying this is the know-all end-all to network marketing, but for those a bit frustrated with cold calling, chasing leads, calling up old friends, doing tabletalks at random houses, driving all around town, going to constant meetings and presentations, making LITTLE OR NO MONEY, having nothing to show for your efforts, then you owe it to yourself to at least take a look at what they have to offer. I did.

I'm not a millionaire by no means, but I'm much happier doing things the way I'm doing now than I was before. I'm not saying you'll feel the same as me. I'm entitled to my own opinion as much as you are entitled to yours.

But like I said, you owe it to yourself - unless of course, you're retired or are making a substational amount of money in your own methods. Then this might help you make more, or at least easier than how you were doing things previously. Your choice.

If you haven't checked them out yet, here are the links again:

Ann Sieg's 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing, and Renegade Marketer.

Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring and Building On A Budget.

You won't regret it.

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