Sunday, October 19, 2008

Squidoo is crazy!

So I'm up at 3:30 AM on a sunday morning, and decided to play around on the 'net until my eyes got tired again to go to sleep. So i'm going down my usual bookmarks: Yahoo! mail,,,,,, and then my page.

The last page was the shocker. I recently put up lens on squidoo about my MLM company's products. it highlighted the need for supplements, a little about the company, and where and how to buy. Threw in some youtube vids, a billion or so links, and a picture to accompany every module. cool stuff. but as good as it was, i couldn't break the #1000 lensrank, mainly because no one was looking at it, regardless of how high it ranks alone on the squidoo search. so i put it up on a myspace bulletin for some traffic, and submitted the page to over half-a-dozen squidoo directories, and SHAZAM... traffic was coming in. I nearly crapped my pants over how high my lens was ranking! it was now in the high 3 digits (smaller numbers means better).

Now of course, most of my friends on are already in the same MLM i'm in, so i won't be getting any product buys from them. however, a little traffic to your site never hurt.

So i'm starting to get a hold of this "magnetic" ability to send people to your sites.

It also brought my lensrank to break past 1,000, and as of this moment, my lensrank is #753. Congrats to me, right? =)

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